
How Juice Affects a Toddler’s Teeth

Almost everyone knows that sugar is bad for your teeth, but have you ever considered how much sugar is in the juice we give to our toddlers? Their teeth is especially important to take care of, not only so they will learn good dental hygiene for later in life, but so that they do not prematurely have to lose their baby teeth. Baby teeth are essential for jaw development and proper spacing of adult teeth. 

The Deception of Juice
Most parents opt to give their toddlers juice because it tastes good and it’s made from fruit so it’s healthy, right? Not necessarily. Most juice’s made for toddlers actually contain upwards of 23 grams of sugar, which is the same amount as 8 ounces of Coca-Cola. If you aren’t giving your child soda for health reasons, you probably shouldn’t be giving them juice, either.

This isn’t to say that you can never give your child juice under any circumstances. Reserving juice for special occasions is a great way to make it a treat. Make sure you teach your children to brush their teeth after consuming such a sugary drink. You also have the option to dilute juices with water to lower the sugar content a little. It is also recommended to not give your child anything to drink except milk and water until they are at least a year old to prevent damage to their baby teeth. Continuing this as they get older can only benefit their teeth and overall oral health.

Brushing Habits
Teaching your children about dental hygiene can never start too early. Letting them know that sugar can decay their teeth is important, as well as helping them brush their teeth thoroughly until they have the coordination and skills necessary to do it themselves. Even if you decide to continue giving your child juice to drink, setting them up with good dental cleaning habits can keep them from tooth decay and cavities later in life. Everything good needs to come in moderation, so teaching your child healthy habits of when to say no to juice and drink water instead is very important.

GT Dental in Toronto offers dentistry for children. It is important that your child has regular dental check ups to make sure their teeth, gums, and overall oral health are in good condition. Contact us today to book an appointment, dental check ups are essential in addition to your daily dental routine. 

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