
Coping with Dental Anxiety

Regular dental care is an important part of your overall healthcare. If you find you avoid going to the dentist or feel very nervous when you have to be in the dentist's chair, you may have “dental anxiety.” This is a common problem that can be managed with a few techniques, so you can feel more relaxed for your dental care. At GT Dental in Toronto, you can be assured we understand dental anxiety and will help you to be as comfortable as possible.

What Causes Dental Anxiety
Some individuals develop anxiety about dental care because of a bad experience in the past. However, not all dentists are alike, and you are unlikely to repeat an unpleasant experience. Maybe you have gone for a long period without seeing a dentist and are embarrassed at the condition of your teeth. Dentists are not surprised by this and will help you get back to dental health. Worries about the costs of dental treatment can also increase your anxiety, making your care more stressful.

Taking An Active Part in Your Care
Much of the anxiety about having dental work done consists of the feeling of loss of control. Lying in the chair, with your mouth open, having work done, may make you feel vulnerable and helpless. Discuss your anxiety candidly with your dentist. Arrange to have a signal, such as a lifted finger, when you feel discomfort or need a break. Learn active relaxation techniques to help relieve stress while you are in the chair.

Practical Tips For Relieving Dental Anxiety
You can reduce your anxiety about dental treatment by implementing a few helpful measures:

· Be prepared to distract yourself by bringing along a stress ball you can squeeze in your hand or a fidget spinner to manipulate.
· Bring your phone and headphones to distract yourself with music. This can be helpful in blocking out sound of drills and other equipment that can increase stress.
· Use mindfulness meditation to relax by focusing on counting your breaths or doing a head-to-toe muscle relaxation exercise.
· If dental costs are causing your anxiety, discuss costs in advance of your treatment.

Dental anxiety is a real condition that can prevent you from getting the routine care you need for healthy teeth. Recognizing the problem is the first step in learning to manage your anxiety, so you can have a healthy and attractive smile. GT Dental in Toronto can help you work through your anxiety, so you can enjoy better dental health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

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