
Important Facts About Saliva

When most people think of saliva, they often think of spit. However, saliva serves more of a purpose than simply keeping your mouth from becoming too dry. Here are some interesting facts about saliva that may cause you to think about your oral health differently.

In addition to lubricating the mouth, saliva also keeps the gums and teeth healthy by shielding them from harmful bacteria that can lead to gum disease and tooth damage. This is why people with dry mouth are often prone to tooth decay and gum disease. Saliva is also composed primarily of water and this is very important for the digestion of your food. The water content of saliva softens the food and makes it easier to swallow and travel to the rest of the digestive system. Saliva also rinses food debris from your mouth. When food particles remain in the mouth for too long, they can become lodged in between the teeth and lead to infection and cavities.

For you to properly taste your food, the molecules of the food have to dissolve in the saliva. Food travels to the taste buds through the saliva so you'll recognize what you're tasting. So, you have your saliva to thank when you consume your favourite foods or consume a new food that may become a favourite.

If you experience a mouth wound due to an accident or dental procedure, saliva can accelerate the healing process. In fact, saliva assists the mouth in healing faster than any other part of the body. The saliva makes your mouth humid which improves the function of mouth cells that are necessary for healing.

It's important to know the role saliva plays in your body when it comes to taking care of your oral health. GT Dental, in Toronto, can assist you in achieving your best smile and making sure your gums, teeth and mouth are in the best condition. Contact us today to book an appointment and make sure your oral health is intact. 

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