
Why Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Tooth extractions happen every day in dentist offices around the world. It is a procedure that involves removing a tooth from the gums. Dentists consider it a procedure of last resort when there is no way to save the tooth. If you need an extraction, you may be wondering what the procedure is like and why it is necessary.

Why Are Extractions Necessary?
There are a number of reasons why extractions become necessary. Here are a few of the more common ones:

- Wisdom teeth which have become impacted
- Excessive decay which has compromised the tooth's structure
- Infection which has destroyed all or part of the tooth
- Crowded teeth which make speaking or eating difficult
- Teeth that would hinder the movement of other teeth while wearing braces
- Health considerations involved in chemotherapy or organ transplant

What Benefits Can You Receive with a Tooth Extraction?
Extracting teeth can actually be beneficial for the patient. Some reasons include:
- An extraction can prevent or stop infections.
- It can relieve overcrowding.
- It can relieve pain.
- It can make talking and eating a lot easier.

What Could Happen If You Didn't Get a Tooth Extraction?
You might think the only consequence of not have a tooth extracted is a bit of pain. The reality is a bit different. The health consequences can actually be quite severe. If you have an infection, that infection could spread to other teeth, your jaw, and even your brain. A sore tooth in the upper jaw can irritate the sinuses. Bacteria can enter the heart of a dead tooth, which increases the risk of a tooth or gum infection. At the very least, choosing not to extract a tooth it difficult to talk or eat which can make your daily activities very uncomfortable.

What Else Do You Need to Know About Tooth Extractions?
A tooth extraction can have consequences on the other teeth. The teeth on either side of the extracted one can shift into that gap. Many dentists will recommend dental implants or bridges to fill those gaps before the neighbouring teeth start shifting.

Tooth extraction can be done one of two ways. If the tooth is fully erupted from the jawline and remains intact, the dentist will do a simple extraction. If it is broken off or not fully erupted, the dentist will do a surgical extraction. If you are experiencing any tooth pain it is best to visit GT Dental for a check up and understand treatment options. Contact us today to book an appointment, don't ignore tooth pain and don't put off tooth extractions.

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